Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks - hello guys Best Web Hosting And Website Builder, On sharing web hosting this time titled Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks, I have been providing the Best Web Hosting And complete Website Builder. Hopefully the contents of posts Best Web Hosting And Website Builder that I write this you can understand. This, he'll Best Web Hosting And Website Builder.
Title : Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
other title : Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
Title : Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
other title : Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
Another important factor in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is avoiding duplicate content. This RagePank.com (mind the swapped first letters of the 2 words - genious!) article gives some information as to how it is taken by the search engines and how you can prevent duplicate content by using some .htaccess commands. Some of the commands can be setup through the standard user interface of your domain provider, but sometimes .htaccess is really very useful to know about it a little bit more. Another fine compilation of basic .htaccess commands can be found here .htaccess Tutorial - Part 1.Did you know?
The dot (".") before the file name means that it's hidden, so only website administrators can access and modify it.
The dot (".") before the file name means that it's hidden, so only website administrators can access and modify it.
Thus article Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks
Best Web Hosting And Website Builder Avoiding duplicate content + .htacess tricks, Hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, the Best Web Hosting And Website Builder posts this time.
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