The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
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Title : The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
other title : The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
Title : The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
other title : The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
According to mobile advertising and marketing firm inneractive, there are some major differences between men and women, at least as far as mobile ads are concerned. On August 22, the company released an infographic that shows the disparity between men and women using mobile devices, and speicifically how they respond to advertsing when they're going mobile.
Some of the major findings include:
- The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for men is quite a bit higher, at 2.73 percent, than it is with women, at only 1.65 percent.
- The two groups generally have difference app preferences, which shouldn't be a huge surprise, but the study also found that there are different levels of effective cost per mille (eCPM) and CTR based on the type of app.
For instance, the top apps for females are usually entertainment-based and have an eCPM of $1.44 and a CTR level of 2.97 percent. Following entertainment apps are social and IM programs, which see an eCPM of $0.52 and a CTR of .43 percent. Finally, brain and puzzle applications, the third most popular among girls, have an eCPM of$0.97 and CTR of 1.91 percent.
For males, sports-related apps are the most popular, with an eCPM of $1.04 and a CTR of 2.43 percent. Arcade and action is next and the eCPM is also $1.04 and CTRs are also 2.43 percent. Coming in third are card and casino apps, whose eCPM is $0.63 and CTR is1.02 percent.
- Android OS is significantly more popular among males, 61 percent to 39 percent. iOS is almost an exactly perfect split, with males edging out females by a margin of 51-49%. The same 51/49 split exists with the Symbian OS. Girls dominate the Blackberry RIM OS, however, taking up 59 percent of the market.
Below is the full infographic in all of it's brightly colored glory (fair warning, it's a bit long):
Some of the major findings include:
- The average clickthrough rate (CTR) for men is quite a bit higher, at 2.73 percent, than it is with women, at only 1.65 percent.
- The two groups generally have difference app preferences, which shouldn't be a huge surprise, but the study also found that there are different levels of effective cost per mille (eCPM) and CTR based on the type of app.
For instance, the top apps for females are usually entertainment-based and have an eCPM of $1.44 and a CTR level of 2.97 percent. Following entertainment apps are social and IM programs, which see an eCPM of $0.52 and a CTR of .43 percent. Finally, brain and puzzle applications, the third most popular among girls, have an eCPM of$0.97 and CTR of 1.91 percent.
For males, sports-related apps are the most popular, with an eCPM of $1.04 and a CTR of 2.43 percent. Arcade and action is next and the eCPM is also $1.04 and CTRs are also 2.43 percent. Coming in third are card and casino apps, whose eCPM is $0.63 and CTR is1.02 percent.
- Android OS is significantly more popular among males, 61 percent to 39 percent. iOS is almost an exactly perfect split, with males edging out females by a margin of 51-49%. The same 51/49 split exists with the Symbian OS. Girls dominate the Blackberry RIM OS, however, taking up 59 percent of the market.
Below is the full infographic in all of it's brightly colored glory (fair warning, it's a bit long):
Thus article The Battle of Sexes for Mobile Ads...
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